I used to be a boss, a Manhwa greater than solo leveling in 2024.

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“I Used to Be a Boss” is a manhwa that some fans argue surpasses “Solo Leveling,” widely known as the most famous Korean manhwa worldwide. But is “I Used to Be a Boss” truly better? Today, we are here to find out in today’s blog.

I used to be a boss: plot summary

I used to be a boss
I used to be a boss

“Bephomet, the merciless ruler of the Tower of the Abyss, presides over a fortress teeming with monsters and magical traps. Many brave hunters seek to defeat him and bring down the tower. Despite his demonic nature, Bephomet harbors a deep curiosity about humans and their world. When a determined hunter finally overcomes him, Bephomet realizes a hidden desire: to experience humanity. In his final moments, this wish is mysteriously granted. He awakens as a human, stripped of his powers, and faces an unfamiliar world he once scorned. Now, Baphomet must navigate his new life, understanding the very beings he used to look down upon while regaining his strength.”

“I Used to Be a Boss: Manhwa Review”

I used to be a boss
I used to be a boss

The plot of this manhwa is not very unique since there are many manhwas with similar isekai, or magical themes, such as “Solo Leveling.” However, what sets this manhwa apart is its well-written characters, who have clear motives and actively drive the story forward. Unlike other manhwas that focus solely on the main character, this one gives significant attention to side characters, each with their own backstories, adding depth to the narrative. The pacing is excellent and keeps you hooked, and the story is filled with mysteries that maintain excitement as it progresses. Another impressive aspect is that the manhwa shows the main character’s struggles rather than making them overpowered from the start. In the current chapters, the story is taking a darker turn, exploring new themes, and keeping the readers engaged.

Now, let’s discuss the drawbacks. There aren’t many, but sometimes the story feels repetitive, which can be boring. The main character’s development is slower compared to the side characters, but this is justified given that the MC used to be a demon. When compared to shonen mangas, this manhwa feels like a typical shonen, but as a manhwa, it stands out and is better than many others because it includes elements often missing in its peers.

I used to be a boss
I used to be a boss


If we compare this manhwa to solo leveling, I would say this manhwa is better because solo leveling lacks so many things I mentioned in the review of this manga, like when we only see Sung Jin Wo struggle at the beginning of the story, then he becomes overpowered, but if we talk about the fighting part and art style, solo leveling is better. Solo leveling Manhwa’s art style is very beautiful, a feast for the eyes, so in the end, it depends on you what kind of story you want to see, whether to see an overpowered character dominating everyone or a better story; it’s up to you what you like and your preferences. So that’s it for today, and I’ll see you in the next one.

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